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The PeDreTea Project

8thLife has started a new project through our (also newly created) 8thLife Medias,
and we are asking for your help – in fact, we may be asking for YOU!

Our project is called PeDreTea, short for Permaculture Dream Team.

We aim to create a one-year self-contained community experience
in an ancient farming homestead in the Canary Islands
that will help us to restore the planet and humanity,
documenting the efforts of the 8th generation of the industrial era of civilization
to walk the talk to a sustainable, planetary and renewed culture,

and we want to share what we are experiencing and learning with people around the world,
so we will record the process as a documentary series, starting in March, 2016.

This groundbreaking, year-long social experiment asks:
Is it possible to begin again, away from the conveniences and distractions of city life, re-adapting civilized humans to a more indigenous and sustainable way of life?

And we are inviting you to join us for 1 Year at 8thLife!

We are in the process of assembling our PermacultureDreamTeam right now,
and we want you to be first to come on board with us,

whether it is as part of the
online support group,
helping us with outreach, fundraising, media expertise,
integral permaculture advice and support and organization,
or by joining us as part of the ‘on-the-ground-group’
- and you are the most perfect and most needed participants,
since you are already part of the 8thLife community.

We want around 8 – 16 new people on the ground at 8thLife for one year, in total
(the regular residents team is not part of this project but will be assisting us),
& we will also be accumulating as large of an online support group as we can.

We would really love you to join us on any level you can
so please visit the website and fill out the application form!


We are in Stage 2 at this point, so we are especially searching for:
* good or experimental video makers

* video editors

* illustrators

* designers

* web creators

* social media experts

* writers
* networkers

* film editors

* creative artists

* animators

* bloggers

* Facebook fans

* Sustainable living ‘experts/fans’

For the group who will actually be staying at 8thLife in La Palma
for 1 year, we are also still looking for all kinds of skilled people:
* organic growers

* homemakers

* eco builders (particularly of small buildings)

* ceramicists

* engineers
* gardeners

* artisans

* entertainers

* artists

* those who seek adventure or escape.

* And oh, yes - children are very welcome, too!

Please help us to find the perfect people
who will be able to commit and contribute
for this incredible opportunity.
You can start by forwarding this newsletter to anyone you think should know about it!

Thank you!

We believe that stopping the destruction, working to build soil,
restore ecosystems, heal our addictions,
re-design the organizational structures of the global economy
and learning to live in community, starting locally,
are the most important and urgent jobs to do now.

If you are clear for yourself that supporting the transition of our
destructive society
to a sustainable world is your first priority – we want you!

We are having regular online meetings to organize the logistics of all this, as we are all from different countries.

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